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Andrew V. Novotorov

801 2nd Ave E, Dickinson, ND 58601

Phone: 701-483-3993

email: andrew.novotorov@dickinsonstate.edu

S U M M A R Y  OF  Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S




• Seven years of progressive experience in international program management, study abroad programs, academic advisement and students exchange program development and recruitment with a client-centered philosophy both domestically and internationally
• Works equally effective whether independent or cooperatively in groups with diverse populations and multiethnic setting
• Created leadership and service to prepare faculty and staff to capture new opportunities from the world market and the international mobility of knowledge and people, foster a team environment with supervisor, peers, and staff
• Proficient oral & written communication abilities in English and in Russian
• Across-the-board knowledge of instructional design and learning facilitation, student/faculty exchange program development, implementation and evaluation for multicultural audiences
• Experience with public and private funding sources, university international consortia and international consultants on issues on diversity and multiculturalism
• Demonstrated excellent leadership and project management skills, good PC skills in Microsoft Office Suite of programs and ability to work with changing priorities possessing strong organizational and time management


Iowa State University • 2001
Ph.D. in Agricultural & Extension (Adult) Education
Dissertation title: “Perceived impact of internship and
practical training programs on students’ professional and
personal growth”


Assistant Professor of Agriculture • 2003 – Present
Dickinson State University, Dickinson, North Dakota
• Supervise professional and support staff, three advisors and two staff assistants, admission office director, as well as various student employees, ensuring that all DSU admission and U.S. visa requirements are met.
• Work to secure grants and make contacts with officials to connect DSU students with international opportunities.
• Promote international understanding and cultural exchange partnerships in the Dickinson community, participate in the international student admissions process.
• Constantly develop international projects, coordinated linkages between DSU and academic institutions in Russia and Ukraine. Monitor, advise, and keep records for some international students
• Designed, conducted and evaluated international pilot training and students exchange programs. Facilitated successful Study Abroad Training programs to prepare students for their travel.
• Recruited 28 Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian students to enroll Fall and Spring Semester 2004-2005. Develop relationships for recruiting with English Language Schools worldwide.
• Developed the university website in Russian language that helps recruit foreign students from the Former Soviet Union States (www.dickinsonstate.ru).
• Developed a long-range plan for recruitment of international students so that DSU may benefit from the diversity of expertise and experience international studies can bring to the campus.

Adjunct Faculty • 2001 - 2003
College for Working Adults - Des Moines, Iowa
• Instructed courses in Personal Leadership, Lifelong Learning, Adult Learning Theory, and Conflict Resolution for Managers.
• Consistently developed and negotiated with agents for short-term exchange programs.
• Encouraged students to recognize the interdependence of the world’s peoples and develop an orientation toward global citizenship and international understanding.
• Conceptualized, planned and implemented new initiatives and strategies to enhance the current services offered by the CWA.
• Acted as an advocate for international students with other campus offices and the local community.

Visiting Instructor and Multi-Cultural Affairs Consultant • 1999 Academic Semester
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
• Identified creative ways for students to effectively transfer their intellectual commitment to diversity into the experiential learning process.
• Provided Visitor and Short-Term Training on Student Exchanges, Travel Courses, Study Abroad Programs. Assisted with evaluation of incoming students’ inter national credentials for the Department.
• Taught and trained university staff through short-term courses in effective cross-cultural communication strategies.
• Created positive public relations within the community to promote resources for international students.

Education Director • 1995 - 1996
International Continuing Education Center, Iowa State University, Iowa/Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
• Represented the University on appropriate committees and to international programs in other colleges of the University.
• Drafted a Strategic Plan (1995-2000) for global programs to improve learning, discovery, and engagement related to agriculture, natural resources, communities, and food systems.
• Consistently provided training for all faculty related to diversity in the classroom.
• Identified resources to provide needed support services and trained key faculty and staff resource people for each of the diversity aspects.
• Served as a liaison with U.S. foreign governmental sponsors and with foundations and agencies.
• Provided academic and personal problem-solving guidance for issues on immigration, cultural adjustment, housing and financial matters.

Manager for International Affairs Department • 1991 - 1993
Nizhniy Novgorod State Agricultural Academy, Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
• Developed resources for faculty and students to travel to international conferences, conduct research, teach, and recruit outstanding students.
• Facilitated, and evaluated continuing education programs of international nature including English language courses, executive training, and outreach to public schools.
• Advised students and faculty on special cultural or religious observances of various groups on campus and provided appropriate and accessible services and accommodations as needed.
• Conducted Monthly Evaluation of Observation sessions by multicultural affairs staff.


International Programs & Project Administration

2003 - 2005 Basic Russian Language, Study Abroad and
Internship program in Russia
2001- 2002 Networking and Information Exchange through the
Worldwide Web Proposal Development, Globalization
Grants and Awards
1995 -1999 Leadership and Interactive Teaching Methods in
International Education Programs
Planning Effective Conferences and Conventions
1994 - 1995 Business Communication and Business Ethics in the
U.S.A. Project Outcomes Analysis (possibly with
SPSS)Grant Writing, Design and Management of
Partnership Projects

International Business, Management & Marketing

2003 - 2005 Marketing, World Food Crops, Introduction to International Ag.
Agricultural Management Internship
1990-1996 Operation Planning Strategies
1990-1996 Business Planning
1997-2000 Internships in Agricultural Business

On-line courses

2004-2005 Agricultural Accounting Animal Science
Hosted by uCoz